

Dealing with technology is challenging - creatively, constructively and organizationally

In the development of projects, points of contact regularly arise in the areas of design, technology and project management.
External ideas or assessments are very helpful here – which is why we are always active in an advisory capacity.
We work alongside projects or advise on specific issues.

We create feasibility studies, provide product recommendations and individual solutions for individual tasks – for design as well as technical and economic issues.
The topics of sustainability and cost benefits are more present today than ever before and require a great deal of explanation and optimization.

The services in detail:

Lighting design

Dealing with light and shadow

More than any material, light determines the effect of a room, creates moods and sets the scene for architecture.

We do not regard light as a detached stylistic element but as an integral part of space, image and atmosphere.
Accordingly, trusting cooperation with all project partners is important.
After all, outstanding results can only be achieved when all disciplines work together, and this is always our goal.

An integral part of our work is the constant examination of new developments, trends and innovations – both in terms of technology and design.
Particularly in the current climate, the careful use of resources is imperative and the technological advances in lighting technology enable significant savings in energy consumption without sacrificing lighting quality.
We are constantly monitoring the market, testing and examining new products.

The services in detail:

Specialist planning

The basis of a successful project

The planning phase is crucial for the course of the project.
It determines the efficiency of resources and budget and provides a clear and defined idea of the result for all project participants.

We translate ideas and concepts into detailed and well-founded technical plans in line with the project structure.
We monitor and communicate the time, cost and quality factors in parallel.
The consideration of safety-relevant issues also plays a central role here.

The core is CAD planning in 2D and 3D, which offers a structured exchange with the planning partners and interfaces for visualization and simulation, for example.
Planning in three-dimensional space in particular helps to identify conflicts at an early stage and manage complex situations between the trades involved.

The services in detail:

Technical management & project management

Coordination and cooperation

In both the planning and implementation phases of a project, a large number of service providers often need to be coordinated – in economic, technical and organizational terms. Monitoring compliance with standards and regulations and ensuring that services are provided on budget and on time is also a key factor for clients and event organizers. Here, the qualified technical management is the point at which this coordination service is provided.


The services in detail:

AVA & Controlling

Knowing where you stand

The economic side of a project is just as essential as design and planning.
During the project, we take over the process of tendering, awarding and invoicing and ensure transparency and efficient cost control when dealing with technical service providers.
We work with specialized software to map the procurement process according to industry standards and can show the economic impact of changes in the project at any time. The exchange of quantities and figures with service providers is automated and electronic at this point and is therefore not susceptible to errors. Forecasts and model calculations can also be created for various project scenarios.
Other services include the preparation of cost estimates in the design phase of a project as well as obtaining quotations for direct orders from the provider.


The services in detail:

On site

More than construction supervision

The creation of outstanding events is always a team effort and different skills and talents are required for a multi-layered project such as the realization of an event concept.

Depending on the task, our designers and technical managers are supported by a well-coordinated team of site managers, specialist planners, senior lighting technicians and programmers – specialists in their field who understand the language of designers and concept developers, can implement their ideas precisely and manage and control the trades involved.

The services in detail: